Turpentine Timber Flooring

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Turpentine grows in the coastal areas of New South Wales and in the eastern coastal areas of Queensland.

A large tree reaching about 40 to 45 m in height and 1.0 to 1.3 m in stem diameter. The trunk is straight, of good form with little taper. The species name is derived from the small amount of oleoresin in the inner bark.

Colour:  The heartwood colour ranges from deep red to red-brown. Sapwood is paler.

Grain:  Fine to medium textured but often wavy; grain often interlocked. The species is free from gum veins.

Hardness:  Very hard (rated 1 on a 6 class scale) in relation to indentation and ease of working with hand tools.

As seasoned sawn timber in general house framing, internal and external flooring, lining, cladding.